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Quebec invited 1384 applicants in the latest Quebec PNP draw

Quebec invited 1384 applicants in the latest Quebec PNP draw

On August 10th, 2023, Quebec carried out its eleventh immigration draw and announced the outcomes on August 17th, 2023. In this draw, the Quebec Ministry of Immigration selected candidate profiles from the Arrima Bank on August 7th at 6:30 a.m. A sum of 1384 applicants were granted invitations to apply for Permanent Selection, considering factors like labor market demands and integration prospects. Those who are approved will have around six months to acquire a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) after submitting their applications.

What are the qualifications necessary to apply for the Quebec PNP draw?

Invitations were extended to individuals who met the following conditions:

  • Achieved a level 7 or higher in oral French proficiency, as per the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes (Quebec scale of French proficiency levels for adult immigrants), or an equal measure.
  • Attained a score of 591 points or higher.
  • Held a valid job offer outside the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal territory.

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How to immigrate to Quebec?

For those aiming to immigrate to Quebec in 2023, adhere to these procedures:

  • Step 1: Validate that you satisfy the qualifying conditions.
  • Step 2: Generate and upload your profile using the Arrima Portal.
  • Step 3: Upon invitation receipt and payment of essential fees, lodge your application for permanent selection.
  • Step 4: Following approval, a CSQ will be allocated to you.
  • Step 5: Utilize your CSQ to apply for a Canadian Permanent Resident Visa .

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